I read this and I wonder how the party NOT in power is supposed to make their requests a reality. Everything they asked for was part of the Harris Walz platform with details and a revenue stream to pay for it. They have handed over their future to most ignorant president ever elected. Educate yourselves young men and I don’t mean a formal education I mean, READ centrist news sources like AP, Reuters, Bloomberg. Look for the facts. Don’t be the victim of algorithms that confirm your bias. The key to your success is being informed with accurate, truthful information. Stop listening to Rogan, Musk, Kirk - it’s confirming your bias. Stop Googling things these guys say because the algorithm is sending you YouTubes and articles confirming that bias whether it’s true or not. Get off social media. If they provide free news, there is no guarantee it’s the truth and it’s just an opportunity for these billionaires to steal your data and use it to make more money for themselves. Outrage is a huge moneymaker because you keep clicking!
My post was meant to be instructional with action items anyone can apply to improve the quality of their newsfeed. My goal is never to blame or scold, it’s meant to educate. Read it again with that intent in mind and perhaps you can reconsider the points presented in the post and apply them to your newsfeed. I’m on your side. I want everyone to be exposed to the truth and good news sources..
The Democrats have told men to piss off for the last 30 years. They funded women's health, but ignored men's hea;th. On Democrats.org, on the "who we serve" page, they mention that they serve women, but not men. The Democrats are still running with the narrative that said that Trump won because of "misogyny". The Democrats have that completely backwards: the Democrats are the msandrists. (That means hate for men, in case you didn't know that).
I am 71 and felt like this in my 20s and 30s, but I would never vote for a demon. These boys / men are just plain ignorant. They choose not to keep informed or educated, and now they will reap what they have helped sow. Maybe they will get it when Trump puts them out on the street to line his pockets at their expense.
Try again. During Trump's first term, his Education Secreatry, Betsy deVos, reformed Title IX rules, to give college men due process rights in Obama's feminist kangaroo courts. Obama's rules had college men flooding crisis lines. When Biden took over, he changed the rules back to how they were under Obama. Biden gave $100,000,000 to a White House women's health program, and zero dollars for men's health research. Democrats have told men to sit down and shut up for decades, so the men responded accordingly last November.
If you get prostate cancer, you will learn that feminist democrats in Congress made sure that breast cancer gets three times more funding than prostate cancer.
Frank, I agree, but it wasn't just $100 million, it was $600 million. In Sept. 2024, there was an additional $500 million allocated to women's health only:
"DoD Commits $500 Million for Women's Health Research, Supports Better Care for All Women"
Prostate cancer is less lethal than breast cancer. I'm not saying it's less common, but the conventional wisdom is that with it, especially if it's found when you are older, you are more likely to die from something else. Not so with breast cancer. And, research into matters regarding womens health have been historically underfunded...not sure if we are in the same age group but I am almost 70. Some catching up has occured in the last couple of decades. I can see how it could look skewed if you don't know the history.
By the way, what are you referring to with the comments about feminist kangaroo courts and due process for men? Can you be more specific?
Open to discussion...seeking more information since I have my own blind spots.
Annual deaths for breast cancer and prostate cancer are very close. To fund women's health, but ignore men's health, and spend far more on breast cancer than prostate cancer is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. For the medical profession to dismiss prostate cancer as an "old man's disease" is outrageous - and false. My cousin was diagnose with prostate cancer at age 40.
The claim that women's health was underfunded is simply not true. The Congressional Women's Caucus claimed that women's health was "only" 15% of the NIH budget, but they left out the fact that that 15% was already twice the amount being spent on men's health.
As for feminist kangaroo courts on college campuses: that was Obama's brainchild. He sent a "dear colleague" letter to college campuses to encourage them to try men (but not women) for allegations of sexual assault. Accused men did not have due process rights. They could be convicted and expelled from college by a "preponderance of evidence" rather than have the rights of the accused in regular courtrooms. . Bestsy deVos restored due process rights to accused men, When Biden took office, he changed the rules back to the way Obama had them.
Obama's National Preventive Service Task Force advocated doing away with the PSA exam - and not replacing it. (Nothing like Obama telling American men to get lost). If there was more funding for prostate cancer, the PSA exam could be replaced with something better.
I’m a 64 year old Republican and agree with you. These boys are too fragile. They need to put forth some effort, show some ambition and position themselves to take advantage of opportunities when they come along. They don’t just come to you, you need to actively seek them out. I find a lot of these kids look up to Rogan, but don’t realize what Rogan has had to do to get to where he is. It wasn’t just working out and taking supplements while day trading with money he didn’t have. He did work hard. There was no easy 5 step formula. These kids need to read Anti-fragile by Nassim Talib to figure out how you increase your probability for prosperity and success and minimize your chances of failure.
Looks like you never met one of the man-hating feminists in Human Resources, that openly discriminate against men. Trump ended DEI at the Federal Level, which will mean and end to deliberate discrimination against men in federal employment.
I've met several devils in HR departments. They do tend to be female, and I think it's too bad more men are not working in HR. Not sure if it pays very well...or if it requires education to do HR functions...Gotta be able to cut bait and move on, for sure. It's a nasty business.
About two years ago, there was a video that went viral uploaded by a short-haired HR woman in Canada named Tammy, who said the quiet part out loud. She said that if men wanted to keep their jobs, they had better sit down and shut up. And added that even if a man was in charge of HR, the women still ran the place. There were enough complaints made about her that the Canadian version of the Society of Human Resources Management investigated her. Yes they are devils.
It’s hard to believe this, because these were the messages of the Harris/Walz campaign and yet they were ignored. I think it’s the media issue— Dems need to get stronger on class issues and they need to get their message to folks who don’t follow conventional media. I’m very interested to see if Gen Z men abandon MAGA when they see that inflation goes back up, grocery prices don’t drop, the infrastructure and manufacturing projects of the inflation reduction act are abandoned, etc. If they do, well and good. If not, I think we will know that it’s not these issues, it’s the misogyny and white supremacy which are actually appealing to them.
No, those were NOT the messages of Harris/Walz. Walz was shown to have "21st century masculinity", but the Democrats ignored men's issues in 2024, just as they have ignored them for the last 30 years. They funded women's health, and ignored men's health. Did Walz ever speak up about the far greater funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer? Or that men never had reproductive rights? Of course not.
Frank…those were the messages. Didn’t she talk about trade schools? Cancelling student debt? Building affordable housing? Once again is Trump and his true billionaires speak to men then enjoy the Tesla and Amazon driver wages
Harris would have followed in Biden’s foot steps, and imported more illegal aliens. Illegals compete with American men trying to get and learn entry level service and trade jobs. Yes, that was Obama that cut funding for trade schools. You think Harris would have reversed it? The party that mentions that they serve women, but not men, on their website?
On the subject of affordable housing, Trump found that $2 billion in Biden’s FEMA budget was earmarked for illegal aliens. Trump repatriated those funds to help Americans. North Carolina hurricane survivors were then moved out of tents and into furnished apartments.
what exactly is 21st Century masculinity? Being a gentleman? Being a man who is polite and behaves well toward other people? How toxic! Oh and the plight of men's reproductive rights, it is tragic. Women are just selfish, wanting control over their bodies. We should really be thinking more about men and their inability to a make choices about whether they want to continue with a pregnancy forced on them by rape or incest...or if they want to continue with a medically life threatening pregnancy.
Do not conflate this with reproductive rights...that's a reach too far. Yes, there is a disparity between funding for breast cancer research and funding for prostate cancer research, primarily because breast cancer has a higher public awareness and more advocacy groups DRIVEN BY WOMEN...so maybe men should get to work. This is a global issue, not just in the US.
Men never had reproductive rights, but the Democrats ignore that fact. And, the focus on "21st century masculinity" was a head- fake by the Democrats to deflect attention away from the fact that they have advocated for women, but turned their backs on men, for the last 30 years.
Have you heard of the Equal Protection Clause? Having far more funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer is a violation of the Clause. If men REAALY had any power, they could take that to cpurt - but contrary to feminist fdogma, men have very little power.
I don't respect young men who sold out to Trump. Not at all. I might make a political bargain with them, but that's different.
Anyone who thinks that Trump is going to provide economic justice or end the culture war is frankly stupid. They've touched the hot stove and they're going to come away burned.
I'll admit to not having a good answer for the problems of young men, which are serious and need attention. But when they face a binary choice between Trump or the Democrats then, as flawed and ineffective as the Democrats are, they're always going to be the best choice compared to this incredible grifter who can't be bothered to lift a finger to help his most dedicated supporters.
Go look at Democrats.org, and see the "who we serve" link. They state that they serve women, but not men. Nothing like telling men to go pound sand, which has been going on for decades. The Democrats knew they were screwing up with men, but they just don't care. They are now the "party of women".
This is a fair illustration of misplaced Democratic priorities. In general I support women and historically disadvantaged groups. But viewing politics through the lens of aggrieved identities hurts the people it is trying to help.
The Democrats clearly stated that they are not interested in helping men. Worse still is the fact that, three months after the election, they called men that voted their self-interest "misogynists". That took place at the meeting to decide who would hold the next chairmanship of the DNC.
And, I would call men historically disadvantaged, in view of the fact that men account for 80% of suicides.
I will paste from that page. Or you can check it out for yourself. Excluding men (and white people) from the who we serve page is exclusive, not inclsuive.
Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem—it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree ... we do not merely seek common ground—we strive to reach higher ground. ”
These are honest questions, I REALLY want to understand so I am asking with all sincerity: Who are these *young men*? How old are they? Where do they live? Are they skilled, educated? What are their backgrounds? (race, ethnicity, socioeconomics, all of it). I think its important to understand more about who was polled/interviewed.
Also, if these *young men* went for Trump bc they are demoralized by corporate greed, inhumane treatment of immigrants and inspired by someone listening to THEM and fighting for THEM...I want to understand how they square the circle on Trump policies and rhetoric.
The Trump cabinet is a full slate of millionaires and billionaires. Trump just netted tens of millions from his junk meme coin crypto overnight AS PRESIDENT. Trump wants to put tariffs on imports from major US trade partners that will surely drive up the costs for American businesses and citizens and eventually close the US off to global trade. (our trade partners will simply find new trade partners). Tough on crime? The current president is a convicted felon, the first president in the history of this country to hold office with a felony on his record. It is well documented that Trump Inc. defrauded vendors of every Trump Inc. business it ever bankrupted. Trump U, Trump Taj Majal, etc., etc. Young men want to feel safe? Trump wants to put militarty boots on the ground in our communities. I could go on and on.
I am NOT saying the Democrats are perfect, far from it. In fact, I long for a viable 3rd party to emerge that will give the American people a REAL option in 2028. I am also NOT saying the points made by these young men aren't valid, they are. However, I am not seeing Trump holding out the solutions. I haven't seen him put forth plans for home ownership, better paying jobs and immigration reform. He never talks about the middle class, which it sound like these young men aspire to...but it won't be there if its not protected. I am truly struggling to understand how *young men* arrive at giving Trump a 2nd term based on the reasons they gave. Trump bumbled through his 1st presidency...8 years ago...and his 2nd term isn't off to a great start.
Trump's Education Secretary during his first term was Betsy deVos. She granted college men Due Process rights in the campus feminist kangaroo courts that Obama instigated. Under Obama's watch, college men were flooding crisis lines and suicide prevention lines. When Biden took office, he promptly changed the Title IX rules back to the way Obama had them.
Immigration reform? Trump is doing just that, by deporting the illegal aliens that Biden allowed in. Removing illegals from the workforce will create jobs for American men
Data shows voters who don’t follow politics are more likely to vote trump.
His distorted and inciting messages appeal to emotions and voters buy it.
Especially vulnerable are inexperienced and ill informed young men and women. Trump stunted missives are easy to pick up ‘on the fly’
This type of Trump vengeance appeal perfectly aligns with his own disturbed persona rather than any remarkable insight he has on the needs of mainstream Americans of any age.
The Democrats have told men to piss off for the last 30 years. Biden gave $100,000,000 to a White House women's health research program, and zero dollars for men's health. Trump ended DEI at the federal level, which will mean that men now not face deliberate discrimination against men at the federal level.
Frank, clearly you are not able to comprehend statistics. They refute your premise on so many points. Men are far more represented in boardrooms, business ownership and management positions.
LOL you are not denying how the Democrats have told men to piss off for 30 years. Funny how you cannot comprehend THAT statistic.
The other fact you "forgot" to mention is that there are at least 10,000 men driving trucks for every man in a corporate boardroom. Feminists love to obfuscate those realities, too. And, truck driving is one of the most dangerous jobs in the USA. Men account for 93% of workplace accident deaths. Yet another fact that feminists vobfuscate.
Women have been told to piss off since they beginning of time Frank that includes all political parties. It hasn't stopped, we just keep pushing back. Here are some stats for you: Up to 10% of truck drivers are women...and that # is growing. Men are more likely to be injured or even die in workplace accidents than women, but women are more likely to be victims of workplace violence. You know, its not a zero sum game, we don't have to take from women to give to men...or vice versa. We should be in it for EVERYONE to have a better quality of life.
yes. Read comments from former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien in Robert Reich's Substack dated January 31, 2025. How to live together in harmony with people who are different than we are...is a theme in the essay.
Okay, so why did feminists in Congress make sure that there is three times more funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer? And, why is there only a Violence of Women Act, when research shows that women batter men as often as the converse, and men are violent crime victims two times more often than women? Why is there only a Women’s Health Act, which has since morphed into ten such offices, but still nothing for men’s health, when men die at younger ages, and in greater numbers than women do from every major cause of death in the USA, and men commit suicide 4 times more often? Why did Biden give $100,000,000 for a White House women’s health project in February 2024, and zero dollars for men’s health? Why do women continue to be exempted from having to register for the military draft? Why do only women have reproductive rights? Why does the Democratic party state on their website that they serve women, but not men?
Men grasp these concepts, and that’s one major reason why they voted for Trump.
It sounds like you are saying *young men* feel they are victims and need the protection of a strong man like Trump. Is that the take away? If you want a Men's Health Act, a Men's Violence Protection and Reproductive rights... I suggest you ( men) get to work, just like women did.
Frank, you should ask yourself these questions and other men that aren't doing the advocacy work and more importantly the MEN in Congress...you can't seriously think that men are the minority in Congress...its just math.
I keep hearing about “fairness”…what the hell! I’m sorry to tell you that the world is competitive and there is no inherent advantage to being a white male all the time.
Need to make 80k to pay the bills? Did you get certified in a field that pays those wages? Did you buy a $600 per month truck? Wtf…. Woman are doing better and they no longer want to be involved with men below their pay grade…Fair shot? Study as hard as your female counterparts. You didn’t take biology in high school and learn about the immune system and how a vaccine works? Good jobs in bio. It’s not DEI and Trump inherited his wealth and has been bankrupt more times than convicted..but if he speaks to you..well ok.
Maybe Tesla is hiring (programmers and engineers)?
Looks like you have never met one of the man-hating feminists in Human Resources that openly discriminate against men. I have received three employment settlements as a result of that deliberate discrimination.
Yes, I have. Did you try being polite and show your more than qualified? Men that march and defecate on federal property are not exactly highly qualified.
The feminists in HR never tried to hide their discrimination. They placed women employees in "temporary" positions that became permanent. So I never had the chance to show my qualifications.
At Rose Medical Center in Denver, back in 2007, the feminists in HR hired a surgical scrub tech named Kristin Diane Parker, despite KNOWING that she had hepatitis. That harmed patients of both sexes.
As for the men that defecate on federal property, those were leftist Antifa thugs impersonating Trump supporters. Mayorkas signing a deal with the Venezuelan government to empty their prisons, and bring the prisoners here, can also be described as defecating on the American public. Just ask apartment dwellers that had their buildings taken over by Tren de Aragua.
You have it backwards. Trump wended DEI at the federal level, which means that the federal government can no longer engage in deliberate discrimination against men, and especially white men.
I think the most necessary part of this is "lead with confidence." The policy positions are not hard for Dems. But projecting that we mean it in modes that communicate is tough.
Also -- does this article describe "young white men" or "most young American men"? Serious question, not rhetorical.
Which young men? City, suburban or rural? What education level? What economic level? This whole discussion about men has, to me, made the mistake of considering the worst third of men--those who've been long propped by exclusionary laws, culture, and economics that masked their mediocrity--as if they are all men. Now their mediocrity has been exposed, they can't compete with others who are non-white and non-male (who've long had to work twice as hard to compete with the), they don't have the will or even imagination to get themselves into a better situation, nor the feeling that they should have to, and they don't like it one bit.
If they wanted to talk about how oligarchy has impoverished the country since Reagan the way it impoverished the enslavement south, I'd be all for it. But that's not what they voted for.
I agree with what you are saying about young men feeling ignored by Dems. But it's not just young men that the Democrats alienate, it's all men. It's just that the young men are the latest to shift. Here is the exit poll data for men grouped by age:
This has been a trend for decades and it's why I wrote my book, "How Democrats Can Win Back Men" and my Substack "Men and the 2024 Election" https://menandthe2024election.substack.com/
as a woman, I feel the same way. gunshots, impossible to plan ahead, fear for the future...
I think what is described is human needs and human concerns, not gender based necessarily. women feed families and work three jobs too. Women have health care problems, too. Women don't feel safe on the street, too. Women's jobs are at risk, too. Women have student loan debt, too. Can we unite around the notion that we are all people and these are human needs and human concerns?
I agree with all you’re saying AND young men are woefully undereducated about their actual National and cultural history. It’s no accident that a generation and a half of increased civil rights for women and POC is coinciding with these feelings in young men. Add in the rise of Christian Nationalism in the same period, COVID, social media and a crescendo of political upheaval….viola! Fear, anxiety and isolation drive a focus on changing culture instead of class war. 🤷🏼♀️ Who knows if they’ll become more aware of their place in history….
What I read is naive self interest without any understanding of economic world affairs that affect all countries, not just Canada.
What I see is a segment of young Canadians who we hoped would be positive change makers instead are falling for Poilieve/Trump anti-progressive manipulation.
As a person born at the end of WWII, I see it as treason due to lazy ignorance. I am beyond disappointed.
Does this look like the act of a president concerned with protecting the working class? I think not. The problem is most voters (including young men) are woefully UNINFORMED about the policies they voted for...and voted with their feelings instead of facts. Like the song by "Boston"..."it's more then a feeling".
The alternative to Trump was importing millions of illegal aliens, then giving them far more government benefits than Americans received. Trump found a $2 billion FEMA fund that was earmarked for illegal aliens. Trump repatriated the fund for Americans, and now hurricane survivors in North Carolina are out of their tents into furnished apartments.
I read this and I wonder how the party NOT in power is supposed to make their requests a reality. Everything they asked for was part of the Harris Walz platform with details and a revenue stream to pay for it. They have handed over their future to most ignorant president ever elected. Educate yourselves young men and I don’t mean a formal education I mean, READ centrist news sources like AP, Reuters, Bloomberg. Look for the facts. Don’t be the victim of algorithms that confirm your bias. The key to your success is being informed with accurate, truthful information. Stop listening to Rogan, Musk, Kirk - it’s confirming your bias. Stop Googling things these guys say because the algorithm is sending you YouTubes and articles confirming that bias whether it’s true or not. Get off social media. If they provide free news, there is no guarantee it’s the truth and it’s just an opportunity for these billionaires to steal your data and use it to make more money for themselves. Outrage is a huge moneymaker because you keep clicking!
Ah yes, more blaming and scolding, that should work.
My post was meant to be instructional with action items anyone can apply to improve the quality of their newsfeed. My goal is never to blame or scold, it’s meant to educate. Read it again with that intent in mind and perhaps you can reconsider the points presented in the post and apply them to your newsfeed. I’m on your side. I want everyone to be exposed to the truth and good news sources..
That's the entire issue!! You beautifully answered that article. This should have a thousand likes and it has 6.
The Democrats have told men to piss off for the last 30 years. They funded women's health, but ignored men's hea;th. On Democrats.org, on the "who we serve" page, they mention that they serve women, but not men. The Democrats are still running with the narrative that said that Trump won because of "misogyny". The Democrats have that completely backwards: the Democrats are the msandrists. (That means hate for men, in case you didn't know that).
You have no clue. Read Jeanne.
Imaginative framing, firmly grounded in deep research. Kudos on this high-impact distillation, John.
I am 71 and felt like this in my 20s and 30s, but I would never vote for a demon. These boys / men are just plain ignorant. They choose not to keep informed or educated, and now they will reap what they have helped sow. Maybe they will get it when Trump puts them out on the street to line his pockets at their expense.
Try again. During Trump's first term, his Education Secreatry, Betsy deVos, reformed Title IX rules, to give college men due process rights in Obama's feminist kangaroo courts. Obama's rules had college men flooding crisis lines. When Biden took over, he changed the rules back to how they were under Obama. Biden gave $100,000,000 to a White House women's health program, and zero dollars for men's health research. Democrats have told men to sit down and shut up for decades, so the men responded accordingly last November.
If you get prostate cancer, you will learn that feminist democrats in Congress made sure that breast cancer gets three times more funding than prostate cancer.
Frank, I agree, but it wasn't just $100 million, it was $600 million. In Sept. 2024, there was an additional $500 million allocated to women's health only:
"DoD Commits $500 Million for Women's Health Research, Supports Better Care for All Women"
Thanks for the correction, Mark.
Prostate cancer is less lethal than breast cancer. I'm not saying it's less common, but the conventional wisdom is that with it, especially if it's found when you are older, you are more likely to die from something else. Not so with breast cancer. And, research into matters regarding womens health have been historically underfunded...not sure if we are in the same age group but I am almost 70. Some catching up has occured in the last couple of decades. I can see how it could look skewed if you don't know the history.
By the way, what are you referring to with the comments about feminist kangaroo courts and due process for men? Can you be more specific?
Open to discussion...seeking more information since I have my own blind spots.
Annual deaths for breast cancer and prostate cancer are very close. To fund women's health, but ignore men's health, and spend far more on breast cancer than prostate cancer is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. For the medical profession to dismiss prostate cancer as an "old man's disease" is outrageous - and false. My cousin was diagnose with prostate cancer at age 40.
The claim that women's health was underfunded is simply not true. The Congressional Women's Caucus claimed that women's health was "only" 15% of the NIH budget, but they left out the fact that that 15% was already twice the amount being spent on men's health.
As for feminist kangaroo courts on college campuses: that was Obama's brainchild. He sent a "dear colleague" letter to college campuses to encourage them to try men (but not women) for allegations of sexual assault. Accused men did not have due process rights. They could be convicted and expelled from college by a "preponderance of evidence" rather than have the rights of the accused in regular courtrooms. . Bestsy deVos restored due process rights to accused men, When Biden took office, he changed the rules back to the way Obama had them.
Obama's National Preventive Service Task Force advocated doing away with the PSA exam - and not replacing it. (Nothing like Obama telling American men to get lost). If there was more funding for prostate cancer, the PSA exam could be replaced with something better.
I’m a 64 year old Republican and agree with you. These boys are too fragile. They need to put forth some effort, show some ambition and position themselves to take advantage of opportunities when they come along. They don’t just come to you, you need to actively seek them out. I find a lot of these kids look up to Rogan, but don’t realize what Rogan has had to do to get to where he is. It wasn’t just working out and taking supplements while day trading with money he didn’t have. He did work hard. There was no easy 5 step formula. These kids need to read Anti-fragile by Nassim Talib to figure out how you increase your probability for prosperity and success and minimize your chances of failure.
I should read that book, too.
Looks like you never met one of the man-hating feminists in Human Resources, that openly discriminate against men. Trump ended DEI at the Federal Level, which will mean and end to deliberate discrimination against men in federal employment.
I've met several devils in HR departments. They do tend to be female, and I think it's too bad more men are not working in HR. Not sure if it pays very well...or if it requires education to do HR functions...Gotta be able to cut bait and move on, for sure. It's a nasty business.
About two years ago, there was a video that went viral uploaded by a short-haired HR woman in Canada named Tammy, who said the quiet part out loud. She said that if men wanted to keep their jobs, they had better sit down and shut up. And added that even if a man was in charge of HR, the women still ran the place. There were enough complaints made about her that the Canadian version of the Society of Human Resources Management investigated her. Yes they are devils.
I hope you like what's coming for you shortly Frank!
It’s hard to believe this, because these were the messages of the Harris/Walz campaign and yet they were ignored. I think it’s the media issue— Dems need to get stronger on class issues and they need to get their message to folks who don’t follow conventional media. I’m very interested to see if Gen Z men abandon MAGA when they see that inflation goes back up, grocery prices don’t drop, the infrastructure and manufacturing projects of the inflation reduction act are abandoned, etc. If they do, well and good. If not, I think we will know that it’s not these issues, it’s the misogyny and white supremacy which are actually appealing to them.
No, those were NOT the messages of Harris/Walz. Walz was shown to have "21st century masculinity", but the Democrats ignored men's issues in 2024, just as they have ignored them for the last 30 years. They funded women's health, and ignored men's health. Did Walz ever speak up about the far greater funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer? Or that men never had reproductive rights? Of course not.
Frank…those were the messages. Didn’t she talk about trade schools? Cancelling student debt? Building affordable housing? Once again is Trump and his true billionaires speak to men then enjoy the Tesla and Amazon driver wages
Harris would have followed in Biden’s foot steps, and imported more illegal aliens. Illegals compete with American men trying to get and learn entry level service and trade jobs. Yes, that was Obama that cut funding for trade schools. You think Harris would have reversed it? The party that mentions that they serve women, but not men, on their website?
On the subject of affordable housing, Trump found that $2 billion in Biden’s FEMA budget was earmarked for illegal aliens. Trump repatriated those funds to help Americans. North Carolina hurricane survivors were then moved out of tents and into furnished apartments.
Frank, you have chosen to believe Trump's lies about Fema! Trump is first and foremost, a liar!
what exactly is 21st Century masculinity? Being a gentleman? Being a man who is polite and behaves well toward other people? How toxic! Oh and the plight of men's reproductive rights, it is tragic. Women are just selfish, wanting control over their bodies. We should really be thinking more about men and their inability to a make choices about whether they want to continue with a pregnancy forced on them by rape or incest...or if they want to continue with a medically life threatening pregnancy.
Do not conflate this with reproductive rights...that's a reach too far. Yes, there is a disparity between funding for breast cancer research and funding for prostate cancer research, primarily because breast cancer has a higher public awareness and more advocacy groups DRIVEN BY WOMEN...so maybe men should get to work. This is a global issue, not just in the US.
Men never had reproductive rights, but the Democrats ignore that fact. And, the focus on "21st century masculinity" was a head- fake by the Democrats to deflect attention away from the fact that they have advocated for women, but turned their backs on men, for the last 30 years.
Have you heard of the Equal Protection Clause? Having far more funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer is a violation of the Clause. If men REAALY had any power, they could take that to cpurt - but contrary to feminist fdogma, men have very little power.
Frank, thank you for your service as a Vet. Let’s leave it at that.
I don't respect young men who sold out to Trump. Not at all. I might make a political bargain with them, but that's different.
Anyone who thinks that Trump is going to provide economic justice or end the culture war is frankly stupid. They've touched the hot stove and they're going to come away burned.
I'll admit to not having a good answer for the problems of young men, which are serious and need attention. But when they face a binary choice between Trump or the Democrats then, as flawed and ineffective as the Democrats are, they're always going to be the best choice compared to this incredible grifter who can't be bothered to lift a finger to help his most dedicated supporters.
Go look at Democrats.org, and see the "who we serve" link. They state that they serve women, but not men. Nothing like telling men to go pound sand, which has been going on for decades. The Democrats knew they were screwing up with men, but they just don't care. They are now the "party of women".
This is a fair illustration of misplaced Democratic priorities. In general I support women and historically disadvantaged groups. But viewing politics through the lens of aggrieved identities hurts the people it is trying to help.
The Democrats clearly stated that they are not interested in helping men. Worse still is the fact that, three months after the election, they called men that voted their self-interest "misogynists". That took place at the meeting to decide who would hold the next chairmanship of the DNC.
And, I would call men historically disadvantaged, in view of the fact that men account for 80% of suicides.
Frank that is a lie! Did you just read the first one and not all the others mentioned. Did you see their emphasis on inclusivity, meaning EVERYONE.
I will paste from that page. Or you can check it out for yourself. Excluding men (and white people) from the who we serve page is exclusive, not inclsuive.
Democrats are the party of inclusion. We know that diversity is not our problem—it is our promise. As Democrats, we respect differences of perspective and belief, and pledge to work together to move this country forward, even when we disagree ... we do not merely seek common ground—we strive to reach higher ground. ”
Democratic Party Platform
African Americans
Americans with Disabilities
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Democrats Abroad
Ethnic Americans
Faith Community
LGBTQ+ Community
Native Americans
Rural Americans
Seniors and Retirees
Small Business Community
Union Members and Families
Veterans and Military Families
Young People and Students
These are honest questions, I REALLY want to understand so I am asking with all sincerity: Who are these *young men*? How old are they? Where do they live? Are they skilled, educated? What are their backgrounds? (race, ethnicity, socioeconomics, all of it). I think its important to understand more about who was polled/interviewed.
Also, if these *young men* went for Trump bc they are demoralized by corporate greed, inhumane treatment of immigrants and inspired by someone listening to THEM and fighting for THEM...I want to understand how they square the circle on Trump policies and rhetoric.
The Trump cabinet is a full slate of millionaires and billionaires. Trump just netted tens of millions from his junk meme coin crypto overnight AS PRESIDENT. Trump wants to put tariffs on imports from major US trade partners that will surely drive up the costs for American businesses and citizens and eventually close the US off to global trade. (our trade partners will simply find new trade partners). Tough on crime? The current president is a convicted felon, the first president in the history of this country to hold office with a felony on his record. It is well documented that Trump Inc. defrauded vendors of every Trump Inc. business it ever bankrupted. Trump U, Trump Taj Majal, etc., etc. Young men want to feel safe? Trump wants to put militarty boots on the ground in our communities. I could go on and on.
I am NOT saying the Democrats are perfect, far from it. In fact, I long for a viable 3rd party to emerge that will give the American people a REAL option in 2028. I am also NOT saying the points made by these young men aren't valid, they are. However, I am not seeing Trump holding out the solutions. I haven't seen him put forth plans for home ownership, better paying jobs and immigration reform. He never talks about the middle class, which it sound like these young men aspire to...but it won't be there if its not protected. I am truly struggling to understand how *young men* arrive at giving Trump a 2nd term based on the reasons they gave. Trump bumbled through his 1st presidency...8 years ago...and his 2nd term isn't off to a great start.
Trump's Education Secretary during his first term was Betsy deVos. She granted college men Due Process rights in the campus feminist kangaroo courts that Obama instigated. Under Obama's watch, college men were flooding crisis lines and suicide prevention lines. When Biden took office, he promptly changed the Title IX rules back to the way Obama had them.
Immigration reform? Trump is doing just that, by deporting the illegal aliens that Biden allowed in. Removing illegals from the workforce will create jobs for American men
When I listen to Chuck Schumer talk, I cringe. Time to swap out the old goats for some fresh young blood who actually look strong. Impressions matter.
Data shows voters who don’t follow politics are more likely to vote trump.
His distorted and inciting messages appeal to emotions and voters buy it.
Especially vulnerable are inexperienced and ill informed young men and women. Trump stunted missives are easy to pick up ‘on the fly’
This type of Trump vengeance appeal perfectly aligns with his own disturbed persona rather than any remarkable insight he has on the needs of mainstream Americans of any age.
The Democrats have told men to piss off for the last 30 years. Biden gave $100,000,000 to a White House women's health research program, and zero dollars for men's health. Trump ended DEI at the federal level, which will mean that men now not face deliberate discrimination against men at the federal level.
Frank, clearly you are not able to comprehend statistics. They refute your premise on so many points. Men are far more represented in boardrooms, business ownership and management positions.
It's not even close!
LOL you are not denying how the Democrats have told men to piss off for 30 years. Funny how you cannot comprehend THAT statistic.
The other fact you "forgot" to mention is that there are at least 10,000 men driving trucks for every man in a corporate boardroom. Feminists love to obfuscate those realities, too. And, truck driving is one of the most dangerous jobs in the USA. Men account for 93% of workplace accident deaths. Yet another fact that feminists vobfuscate.
Women have been told to piss off since they beginning of time Frank that includes all political parties. It hasn't stopped, we just keep pushing back. Here are some stats for you: Up to 10% of truck drivers are women...and that # is growing. Men are more likely to be injured or even die in workplace accidents than women, but women are more likely to be victims of workplace violence. You know, its not a zero sum game, we don't have to take from women to give to men...or vice versa. We should be in it for EVERYONE to have a better quality of life.
yes. Read comments from former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien in Robert Reich's Substack dated January 31, 2025. How to live together in harmony with people who are different than we are...is a theme in the essay.
Okay, so why did feminists in Congress make sure that there is three times more funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer? And, why is there only a Violence of Women Act, when research shows that women batter men as often as the converse, and men are violent crime victims two times more often than women? Why is there only a Women’s Health Act, which has since morphed into ten such offices, but still nothing for men’s health, when men die at younger ages, and in greater numbers than women do from every major cause of death in the USA, and men commit suicide 4 times more often? Why did Biden give $100,000,000 for a White House women’s health project in February 2024, and zero dollars for men’s health? Why do women continue to be exempted from having to register for the military draft? Why do only women have reproductive rights? Why does the Democratic party state on their website that they serve women, but not men?
Men grasp these concepts, and that’s one major reason why they voted for Trump.
It sounds like you are saying *young men* feel they are victims and need the protection of a strong man like Trump. Is that the take away? If you want a Men's Health Act, a Men's Violence Protection and Reproductive rights... I suggest you ( men) get to work, just like women did.
Frank, you should ask yourself these questions and other men that aren't doing the advocacy work and more importantly the MEN in Congress...you can't seriously think that men are the minority in Congress...its just math.
I keep hearing about “fairness”…what the hell! I’m sorry to tell you that the world is competitive and there is no inherent advantage to being a white male all the time.
Need to make 80k to pay the bills? Did you get certified in a field that pays those wages? Did you buy a $600 per month truck? Wtf…. Woman are doing better and they no longer want to be involved with men below their pay grade…Fair shot? Study as hard as your female counterparts. You didn’t take biology in high school and learn about the immune system and how a vaccine works? Good jobs in bio. It’s not DEI and Trump inherited his wealth and has been bankrupt more times than convicted..but if he speaks to you..well ok.
Maybe Tesla is hiring (programmers and engineers)?
Frank, we are talking about a2007 event? My wife has beaten cancer 4 times, we have survived a financial crises-lost a business in the crash, raised 2
children, move on…. I just worry we are sending the wrong message to “young”men.
Looks like you have never met one of the man-hating feminists in Human Resources that openly discriminate against men. I have received three employment settlements as a result of that deliberate discrimination.
Yes, I have. Did you try being polite and show your more than qualified? Men that march and defecate on federal property are not exactly highly qualified.
The feminists in HR never tried to hide their discrimination. They placed women employees in "temporary" positions that became permanent. So I never had the chance to show my qualifications.
At Rose Medical Center in Denver, back in 2007, the feminists in HR hired a surgical scrub tech named Kristin Diane Parker, despite KNOWING that she had hepatitis. That harmed patients of both sexes.
As for the men that defecate on federal property, those were leftist Antifa thugs impersonating Trump supporters. Mayorkas signing a deal with the Venezuelan government to empty their prisons, and bring the prisoners here, can also be described as defecating on the American public. Just ask apartment dwellers that had their buildings taken over by Tren de Aragua.
You have it backwards. Trump wended DEI at the federal level, which means that the federal government can no longer engage in deliberate discrimination against men, and especially white men.
I think the most necessary part of this is "lead with confidence." The policy positions are not hard for Dems. But projecting that we mean it in modes that communicate is tough.
Also -- does this article describe "young white men" or "most young American men"? Serious question, not rhetorical.
Which young men? City, suburban or rural? What education level? What economic level? This whole discussion about men has, to me, made the mistake of considering the worst third of men--those who've been long propped by exclusionary laws, culture, and economics that masked their mediocrity--as if they are all men. Now their mediocrity has been exposed, they can't compete with others who are non-white and non-male (who've long had to work twice as hard to compete with the), they don't have the will or even imagination to get themselves into a better situation, nor the feeling that they should have to, and they don't like it one bit.
If they wanted to talk about how oligarchy has impoverished the country since Reagan the way it impoverished the enslavement south, I'd be all for it. But that's not what they voted for.
I agree with what you are saying about young men feeling ignored by Dems. But it's not just young men that the Democrats alienate, it's all men. It's just that the young men are the latest to shift. Here is the exit poll data for men grouped by age:
Men 18-29: R+1
Men 30-44: R+7
Men 45-64: R+20
Men 65+: R+13
Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-elections/exit-polls
This has been a trend for decades and it's why I wrote my book, "How Democrats Can Win Back Men" and my Substack "Men and the 2024 Election" https://menandthe2024election.substack.com/
as a woman, I feel the same way. gunshots, impossible to plan ahead, fear for the future...
I think what is described is human needs and human concerns, not gender based necessarily. women feed families and work three jobs too. Women have health care problems, too. Women don't feel safe on the street, too. Women's jobs are at risk, too. Women have student loan debt, too. Can we unite around the notion that we are all people and these are human needs and human concerns?
I agree with all you’re saying AND young men are woefully undereducated about their actual National and cultural history. It’s no accident that a generation and a half of increased civil rights for women and POC is coinciding with these feelings in young men. Add in the rise of Christian Nationalism in the same period, COVID, social media and a crescendo of political upheaval….viola! Fear, anxiety and isolation drive a focus on changing culture instead of class war. 🤷🏼♀️ Who knows if they’ll become more aware of their place in history….
What I read is naive self interest without any understanding of economic world affairs that affect all countries, not just Canada.
What I see is a segment of young Canadians who we hoped would be positive change makers instead are falling for Poilieve/Trump anti-progressive manipulation.
As a person born at the end of WWII, I see it as treason due to lazy ignorance. I am beyond disappointed.
Here is another question for these "young men":
Does this look like the act of a president concerned with protecting the working class? I think not. The problem is most voters (including young men) are woefully UNINFORMED about the policies they voted for...and voted with their feelings instead of facts. Like the song by "Boston"..."it's more then a feeling".
"Trump won because Democrats keep telling men that they are dangerous and don't matter".
The alternative to Trump was importing millions of illegal aliens, then giving them far more government benefits than Americans received. Trump found a $2 billion FEMA fund that was earmarked for illegal aliens. Trump repatriated the fund for Americans, and now hurricane survivors in North Carolina are out of their tents into furnished apartments.
That's a Trump lie about Fema. Frank just google it so you stop repeating lies!