Apr 26Liked by John Della Volpe

Just another thought, it has been effective having past tfg voters tell why they won’t vote for tfg again. Sarah Longwell’s from Bulwark https://rvat.org. On YouTube they have 200K subs with new vids daily. D’s, R’s, I’s sub/ comment. Short personal vids explaining why they can’t vote tfg again. FLIP IT. Have Biden campaign do same concept and folks of all kinds post why they WILL vote Biden. Emphasis on platforms that young folks are on. NOthing like seeing someone your age, telling you what is important to them and empathising. Thoughts?

Check out these and sub

Here is a young trump voter


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I'm curious: young people seem marginally more favorable about Democrats in Congress than any other pols. Any idea why?

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Excellent work, thank you John to you and your team. Would love Simon Rosenberg to interview you and discuss that Gaza isn’t top of mind for young people ( I feel the Right and Media is playing up this issue since border and impeachment flops). Of course Simon knows this but his burgeoning community doesn’t see this is just another play, whipping emotions for a political weapon. Economy and the distinction between these incumbents must be where D’s focus!!! Biden’s record and goals are Best so the more young people getting this message the better. Many sincere thanks. Keep up the good work. Everyone else, canvass, call, text, postcard, letter, now & often and donate so campaigns can have resources to reach people. Now let’s save democracy. Hug from NC

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